U.S. Open Championship 2021

Saturday, June 19, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Justin Thomas

Quick Quotes

Q. I know you would have liked to get into red figures there but you're still very much in this championship. Talk me through the round today.

JUSTIN THOMAS: Yeah, playing the par-5s even was disappointing. It just was one of those days where really nothing went our way. Whenever a ball could have gone in a bunker, it stayed in the rough. Whenever it should have kicked in somewhere, it went to somewhere that was tougher. Unfortunately it was just one of those days when it needed to be the opposite.

That being said, to really not have anything go our way and not really make anything, to shoot even and still be in the tournament I guess is a positive.

Q. That shot on 16, tell me a little bit about it because I know that was big to get back to even, and it was looking like it was going in.

JUSTIN THOMAS: Yeah, after I played -- I played 14, or 15 really, really well, it was a tough putt that kind of broke a little too much, and then just as soon as I got up there I saw a big slinging hook 6-iron in there and I landed it farther left than I wanted. I was trying to land it down in the bottom and run it over there 12, 15 feet right of the hole, but just overturned it a little bit and it came out perfect, so hopefully some more of those tap-in birdies tomorrow.

Q. What's it going to take tomorrow to get off to a good early start and make a move on the leaders?

JUSTIN THOMAS: Just need to make birdies. There's not really any other way to say it. I just need to -- I just haven't had my run yet this week I feel like a lot of guys have. I have yet to get my run where I have a hot nine holes, so just hoping it's tomorrow.

Q. What are you expecting how the course will play tomorrow as opposed to today?

JUSTIN THOMAS: I mean, it's a Sunday of a U.S. Open. I would expect it to be harder, but you never know. You really don't know. I just have to take it for whatever it is. Even when Torrey Pines is set up easy it's still going to be difficult. I need to be smart. I can't come out and go at every flag and feel like I need to birdie every hole. There's a good chance that 3- or 4-under could still get it done tomorrow.

That being said, if I get everything clicking and go shoot a really low one, then so be it.

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108987-1-1002 2021-06-19 23:33:00 GMT

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