U.S. Open Championship 2021

Saturday, June 19, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Xander Schauffele

Quick Quotes

Q. Could you walk us through your round a little bit today?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, it was a slow start. I was out of position. I didn't really hit that bad a shots to be out of position, I just missed it on the wrong side a few times, got a little greedy off the tee and lines and maybe coming into a few greens but for the most part just wasn't able to make too many putts, the ones I needed to keep my round going or start my round, and like I said, it would have been nice to brush that one in on 18 being five feet or so. But it's late in the day, it's poa annua and it's part of the deal.

Q. Course conditions today, how were they versus rounds 1 and 2?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Just getting firmer and faster. I think some greens, they roll a little faster than others just based on firmness in certain areas. If the pin is kind of near a slope it gets kind of crusty and has that sort of slippery feel. For the most part I think the course is very fair and very playable, and if you're in the fairway, like I said before, you can attack some pins.

Q. Being a local, how do you feel Torrey Pines is holding up as a U.S. Open venue?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, I think it's fair. I think with the pin locations this year, it could have gotten out of hand but it's definitely not, and guys are proving if you're golfing your ball you can kind of take advantage and if not it's punishment just like a normal U.S. Open should be.

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