U.S. Open Championship 2021

Sunday, June 20, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Patrick Reed

Quick Quotes

Q. Patrick, final round 67. Talk to me a little about your round today.

PATRICK REED: I think the biggest thing is I went and hit 13 of 14 fairways. Well, technically 12. One was in the first cut, but out here first cuts don't hurt you. Being able to play from the short grass and making some putts today, it definitely helped. Just kind of seemed like all week I was kind of on that wrong side of just barely missing fairways in the rough, just barely burning edges on putts, and iron shots that instead of staying on greens are just barely rolling off.

Today I gave myself opportunities to make putts, and because of that, I was able to make some putts and really just play a relatively clean scorecard.

Q. Six birdies out there. Was there one that was more pivotal than the other that kind of got you going?

PATRICK REED: I think the biggest thing was the iron shot I hit on 4. I stepped up on that. After hitting it short right on 1, short right on 2, then kind of pulled long left on 3, I needed to see an iron shot actually go somewhere where I'm looking. To hit an iron shot on 4 where there's kind of an 8-iron hoist up in the air and hit it like six or seven inches definitely, I think, jump started the round because after that I was able to settle down and hit some quality iron shots that really just freed up the game and allowed me to make putts.

Q. Leaders have yet to go out. What can they expect today, and what do you think are the key scoring holes?

PATRICK REED: Honestly, it's a little softer today. The marine layer, I felt like, stayed around a lot longer than it has all week, and because of that, the greens were a little bit more receptive. There's a number out there to be had. You can go out, and you're hitting the ball how you want to and also making some putts, there is a 3, 4, 5, 6-under round out there.

To shoot something like that, especially late in a major, you're going to have to be firing on all cylinders.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
109024-1-1182 2021-06-20 19:02:00 GMT

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