U.S. Open Championship 2021

Sunday, June 20, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Richard Bland

Quick Quotes

Q. Tell us about your weekend, what you're going to get out of the experience.

RICHARD BLAND: Yeah, yeah, like I've just said there, this is probably a game of two halves. The first two days were great, and then I found out what the U.S. Open is really about. I kind of -- I was hoping that it would be firm and fast, and it was.

It shows you the guys that are right in there that you just have to be on top of your game in every department. If there's something that's just 5 percent off, it just kills you out here. You just get it slightly in the wrong position, it's hard to get the ball up-and-down. But that's the U.S. Open, and that's the test that we're all presented with, and I wasn't up to it this weekend.

But overall it's been a positive week. I'll probably remember the first two days more than the second two, so a little bit disappointing, but it's been a good week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
109036-2-1002 2021-06-20 21:57:00 GMT

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