U.S. Open Championship 2021

Sunday, June 20, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Guido Migliozzi

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Guido Migliozzi, 3-under 68. Your first major. What do you take out of this after such a great week?

GUIDO MIGLIOZZI: I take everything. It's been a wonderful week. My game was in a good spot, and I'm really happy about my game today. So I'm pleased.

Q. How do you think Torrey Pines played overall?

GUIDO MIGLIOZZI: It's a monster course. Tough from tee to green, really tough from the tee. The weekend, the greens were really tough, so firmer than the first few days, but, yeah, it's a wonderful golf course.

Q. Obviously, none of us on this side know what it's like to play in your first major, but just wondering what you take out of it with regards to confidence going into the Open Championship and then the Olympics.

GUIDO MIGLIOZZI: A lot of confidence, obviously. My game is in a good spot, and I'm really happy. Even under pressure, I'm performing well. I'm happy, and I can't wait to play another tournament.

Q. The Olympics for you, how big were they when you were a kid, and how big is it now that you're going to be an Olympian?

GUIDO MIGLIOZZI: I grew up watching the Olympics on TV. To be able to play in an Olympics game is a dream come true. It will be another monster week. A lot of feelings, a lot of vibes, can't wait.

Q. Looks like top ten is going to get you back into next year. Is that a relief at all, or is that something you hadn't thought about?

GUIDO MIGLIOZZI: Starting the week, I was thinking I have only one chance to win my first major. It was a tough thing, but I take my position, and I play it really solid today. My thinking today in the morning was to be able to give me a chance to get into the top ten. So I'm very happy about the score today. Yeah, I'm happy.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
109038-1-1002 2021-06-20 22:01:00 GMT

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