U.S. Open Championship 2021

Sunday, June 20, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Matthew Wolff

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you talk me through your round today and how the course may have played a little differently?

MATTHEW WOLFF: Yeah, the pin locations were a little different. I don't think it played that much differently. It was still really hard and firm. I felt like I was actually hitting it pretty good and just got a lot of really bad breaks. That's the name of the game. It was really frustrating, and I felt like I did what I could to hit the best shots I could, and they just didn't really turn out how I was expecting them to. Nothing I can do about it, just at the end of the week I'm still happy with my -- how I came out here and enjoyed myself.

Q. You had a little bit of a rough stretch in the middle today; that what happened or just some tough breaks?

MATTHEW WOLFF: Yeah, I mean, I think I might have gotten a little ahead of myself and a little frustrated and might have compounded a mistake or two. But at the end of the day I felt like the lies I was getting in the rough were -- I knew no one stepped on them, but I literally thought every single lie I got someone stepped on. Like I said, that's just golf.

I'm sure one of these weeks and one of these big tournaments stuff is going to go my way and I'll come out on top.

Q. You said you had a lot of fun this week. Was the experience what you'd hoped and does it change where you feel like you are with golf right now?

MATTHEW WOLFF: More. It's more than I hoped. Just enjoying myself this week was the main goal, and at the beginning of the week I was maybe even thinking -- the possibility of finishing dead last wasn't even out of my mind, and to come here and fight how I did, and yeah, just battle to the end, and unfortunately like I said, it didn't go my way, but I put a huge checkmark on this week as a success and just looking to build and get stronger and a little more mature.

Q. You had some excitement with your playing partner towards the end. What was that like just being a part of it?

MATTHEW WOLFF: Yeah, I mean, it was ridiculous. To see those two putts he made at the end was pretty amazing, and he just played really solid all day. He's a world-class player. It's not a surprise to see him play as well as he did.

I don't know what the outcome is going to be, but he fought hard.

Q. What was it like with the fans all week and having them back?

MATTHEW WOLFF: Yeah, it was awesome. I mean, they were really loud. I thought that it like rivaled Waste Management to be honest. I was like, holy crap, these fans are so loud. They clapped every time we went up to the hole or whatever. But yeah, it was fun. Just seeing the excitement of all the fans and more importantly, all them were saying, Good to have you back and Good to see you out here and stuff, and that made me happy.

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