U.S. Open Championship 2021

Sunday, June 20, 2021

San Diego, California, USA

Torrey Pines Golf Course

Jon Rahm

18th Green TV Interview

Q. It's your first ever Father's Day; how were you able to harness all of that energy and finish so strong to win your first ever major championship?

JON RAHM: You know, I think I said it yesterday in an interview. I'm a big believer in karma, and after what happened a couple weeks ago I stayed really positive knowing good things were coming. I didn't know what it was going to be, but I knew we were coming to a special place, I knew I got breakthrough win here and it's a very special place for my family, and the fact that my parents were able to come, I got out of COVID protocol early, I just felt like the stars were aligning, and I knew my best golf was to come.

I have a hard time explaining what just happened because I can't even believe I made the last two putts, and I'm the first Spaniard ever to win a U.S. Open. This was definitely for Seve. I know he tried a lot, and usually we think a lot about him at the Masters, but I know he wanted to win this one most of all. I just don't know how to explain it.

Q. You talk about this being a special place. You won your first ever PGA TOUR event here. You asked your now wife Kelley to marry you here on the cliffs at Torrey Pines, and now you've won a U.S. Open here. What does this property mean to you?

JON RAHM: I've said it once -- I've said it a million times and I'm going to say it once again. It reminds me a lot of back home. It's not exactly the same, but the coastline, the weather, the property, this is basically a good summer day where I grew up, and these poa annua greens is something I know and I understand and I grew up on, and I think it's something that really resonates with me. I'm really confident in it.

Like we just said, everything that's happened here, I don't know why, but every time we come here, we're just happy. As soon as we land in San Diego, it's like, we are in our spot.

Again, once again, we were in our spot, and I was able to come out on top.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
109060-1-1002 2021-06-21 00:21:00 GMT

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