U.S. Open Championship 2022

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Justin Rose

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Justin Rose, with 2-under 68. Good playing out there, Justin. Can you talk us through your round today?

JUSTIN ROSE: Listen, an up-and-down round. I think the key was making six birdies. I think that certainly helped me absorb some mistakes that were made out there.

I think my front nine, which was the back nine today, I think only had one par. I started, I think, bogey, birdie, bogey, birdie. But it was nice to be feeling like I could make the birdies. That kept me on the front foot and kept me believing that there was still a good score to be had.

Didn't quite hit it in the fairway as often as I would have liked to really feel like I was in total control out there. But it was a good hardworking day. I kind of limited the mistakes.

A very early three-putt on the first hole could have set the tone the wrong way, but bounced back really nicely, hitting it close on the par-3 next hole just to balance the books and feel like I got my round going. That was a nice quick momentum shift early in my round, and I felt like that sort of set me in, set the tone.

THE MODERATOR: Obviously, you're in good position going into tomorrow. What are you going to do to replicate today's play?

JUSTIN ROSE: I'm actually a little surprised at how good the scoring is in general from the leader to the cut mark, let's say. Very condensed.

I think it's just important to sort of fight for every shot as we sort of approach the weekend. Tomorrow is just the same job really. Just keeping it as tight as possible. Look for those birdies where you can find them, and accept anything that comes your way.

Q. Just how difficult was it with the wind, and did it stick with you?

JUSTIN ROSE: Yeah, listen, it was difficult with the wind. It was kind of that wind speed that was just about playable, 15 mile an hour. It was strong enough where it was probably in a constant direction. I think that was probably the upside.

Yeah, it was difficult out there for sure. I think that the fact it stayed overcast a little bit maybe kept a little bit more moisture in the greens than otherwise. With the wind, if it was sunny and windy, they could have got a little crusty, but there was still enough moisture in the greens where good shots were still being rewarded.

I think that kind of helped keep the scoring at bay.

Q. I just wanted ask you about the celebration on 17 after that putt. Was there a Justin Leonard vibe there, or was that a coincidence?

JUSTIN ROSE: 100% Justin Leonard vibe. I was reading the putt, and I was, like, this is the putt Justin Leonard had. I hit it, and it's literally -- I know he had the flag out or the caddie had tended it anyway, but it went in with Justin Leonard's speed. I don't know if the camera stayed on me long enough, but I kind of had my hands in the air.

I was going to run for a little longer like he did. I just thought, you know what, I'm just going to -- it's a little nod to Justin, but yeah, just trying to expel some European memories there.

Q. I was going to ask, where did you watch that? What were you doing then?

JUSTIN ROSE: I would have been an impressionable --

Q. '99.

JUSTIN ROSE: Well, I would have been a pro golfer actually. Still an impressionable young guy. I would have just turned pro. I don't know where I would have watched it, to be honest with you. We've all seen the replays enough to get a good feel for that event.

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