U.S. Open Championship 2022

Friday, June 17, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Brooks Koepka

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Brooks Koepka, 3-under 67. Brooks, can you talk us through your round today?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, definitely driving the ball really well. Putting the ball in the fairway. That's really important.

Iron play has been horrific the last two days, so I've got to clean that up. Just coming out of it a little bit. I don't know if it has to do with turf being quite tight, but it's an easy fix. Just got to be a little bit more on top of it.

THE MODERATOR: How are you able to battle the wind and the tougher conditions out there today?

BROOKS KOEPKA: I mean, the golf course is tough whether there's wind or not, but yeah, windy yesterday, windy today. I can't be too disappointed with the score. Not exactly hitting the irons the way I want to.

THE MODERATOR: How do you think the afternoon wave is going to fair out there?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Probably really similar to yesterday, I would say. There's some pin locations that definitely are gettable, but at the same time if you put the ball in the rough, you can't control it, and then good luck with the wind.

Q. The putt on 15, the short one, just bad stroke, bad break? What happened there?

BROOKS KOEPKA: If I'm honest, probably didn't play enough break, and it hit on the read, and then it did snap on me, but that's (inaudible). You don't get true rolls all the time.

It is what it is, but I didn't lose confidence over it. Let's put it that way.

Q. Probably know the answer to this, but would you prefer similar conditions over the next two days?

BROOKS KOEPKA: What? Like with the wind?

Q. Yeah.

BROOKS KOEPKA: I think it would be a really good test, but I don't know what the weather is supposed to be like. I haven't looked. I don't know.

Q. Brooks, there were only two eagles on 14 all day yesterday. You and your partner both carded them today. I was curious, what did you hit on your approach, and then what was just the reaction between you and Scottie like after you both got eagle?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, I hit a 4-iron. I think Scottie hit a 4-iron as well. It was kind of an awkward -- that tree makes it difficult, and we were both kind of in the center to left side of the fairway, so you really have to turn it around that tree.

Scottie, I thought it was going to get over the tree, and it didn't. It went through. Mine just skirted it, and got lucky enough to roll up there. His chip-in was pretty solid, so I felt like I had to make it.

Q. You guys both went on a run on the back. Did you feed off each other at all?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, probably. Yeah, I definitely think so. Any time you get a group that's kind of rolling and making putts, doing everything they're supposed to do, it becomes almost second nature, and you start playing a little better.

Q. You've accomplished a rare feat. Winning two majors in a year. How difficult is that feat, as Scottie goes for that too?

BROOKS KOEPKA: It's definitely difficult, but he is a hell of a player, so I wouldn't be surprised.

Q. Your major record obviously speaks for itself. What's been your feeling as you've left Augusta and Tulsa this year?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Tulsa I was just ready to get married. I was waiting for that party, but after Augusta definitely a little disappointed, pissed off, all that.

I feel like I've been playing a lot better than maybe the results. I'm happy where I'm at this week. Maybe a little bit disappointed where I'm at just because of how poorly my iron play is, and usually that's the best part of my game, and it's just not even close to even average.

Hopefully for the weekend I'll be right there.

Q. Given the historical significance of the Caddie Foundation, Francis Ouimet, how important was the caddie today and the relationship you have with them and, of course, this hitting in tough conditions?

BROOKS KOEPKA: I love Ricky, where Ricky has been on the bag for probably maybe eight years. He is an important part of my life on the golf course and off, and I think it's a cool relationship we've had.

He lives up in Orlando two hours away. Ended up going up there to see him sometimes. He'll come down and see me.

He is one of my groomsmen in my wedding, so we're extremely close. He kind of knows what I'm doing before I even do it. It's a good relationship. It's fun. I appreciate it.

Q. You mentioned you're not happy with your iron play right now. Just wondering what specifically is going on there and what are you working through in order to get to play --

BROOKS KOEPKA: I'm just coming up out of it a little bit. Ball flight changed a little bit, so definitely seeing it come out of a different window. I don't know.

I think a little bit of it has to on with tighter lies in the fairway. You see some of these guys from the fairway that just fat it a little bit just because you've got to hit it so perfect.

I think I did it once yesterday, and I think just kind of being a little extra cautious to make sure you lean on it. It is what it is. Go clean it up, and it should be fine. Definitely got better than yesterday.

Q. One, how much do you think you left out on the golf course today because of that?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Probably at least a shot. Maybe two. Then that little putt. Yeah, it definitely could have been a lot better.

I mean, I hit so many fairways where if you are going to do that, you can definitely take advantage of a lot of these hole locations and I'm putting well.

Q. When you, like you talked about after Augusta, when you were pissed, mad, everything, about your game, what do you do to try to bring that back and get back to where you need to be to kind of deal with it?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Just start beating balls, man. Start practicing. Try to figure out what's wrong, where. You have to be honest with yourself. I think that's something I'm pretty good at. Just assess what really needs to be done and what areas can improve. Just been grinding away.

I feel like it's been really close. Maybe the scores haven't reflected it, but it's only a matter of time.

Q. You don't project much doubt, insecurity when you are talking to us. Is there more that we don't see, or are you just in contention at the U.S. Open again and that's what you expected?

BROOKS KOEPKA: I don't come here hoping for second place. I think if you are a good player, you want to come in here and win. That's why everybody is teeing it up. Nobody has a goal of just making the cut or anything like that.

I mean, I'm pretty confident, but I feel like everybody should be confident in themselves, and if you're not -- people hate confidence. That's why people aren't a big fan of me.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121822-1-1878 2022-06-17 17:17:00 GMT

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