U.S. Open Championship 2022

Friday, June 17, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Cameron Young

Quick Quotes

Q. (Off microphone).

CAMERON YOUNG: I've been hitting it right all week, so I flipped an 8-iron, and kind of went straight at it, and by some miracle it went in. I really don't know.

Q. Your father is pretty tight with Brendan?

CAMERON YOUNG: Oh, yes, sir. Yeah. I know they've known each other a long time. I don't know. Any guys within that PGA section kind of stick together.

Q. Did you visit --

CAMERON YOUNG: No, I didn't. I haven't really had any time to get up here. I saw him earlier this week, and I mean, just to really --

Q. How did you regroup after 3? Put a real charge into trying to get --

CAMERON YOUNG: I didn't. I bogeyed 4. Yeah and then just stuff started happening.

Obviously, birdied the drive to the hole. At that point I had kind of given up because I think I was 9-over. Then made a hole-in-one, and then almost holed out on the next hole, and then made a birdie on 8, and then had kind of some kind of look on 9. Knowing I had to make birdie, I kind of pulled the 9-iron and didn't make it.

Q. Clearly disappointed, but you did give it a good shake there. When you made the ace, did you just say, let's just go for it and see what happens?

CAMERON YOUNG: Kind of. I mean, I don't know. It's hard to sit here and be that pleased that I made a hole-in-one when I missed the cut, so ...

Q. Could you give us the details of the club?

CAMERON YOUNG: I hit an 8-iron. I don't even remember if we came to a final number. I think we were pretty checked out. It just happened to go in.

Q. There was a little bit of a light-hearted moment with the initial high-five with your caddie. Did you give him a bit of stick there?

CAMERON YOUNG: I didn't, because I assumed that I also missed. I think that was a team effort on that, too. Yeah, I'm sure that will be on some social media telling us how unathletic golfers are, but so be it.

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