U.S. Open Championship 2022

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Joel Dahmen

Quick Quotes

Q. Talk about the conditions today compared to the last two days out there.

JOEL DAHMEN: I knew it was going to be hard. I didn't know it was going to be that hard. The wind flipped, made some of the easy holes really hard, and the first four holes were brutal. Then the back, a lot of those hard holes got a little bit easier, as well. I wouldn't say it was a wash. It was way harder today. But it was a true U.S. Open setup, that's for sure.

Q. By no means out of this tournament; you're just three back headed into tomorrow morning. What's the game plan tonight and early tomorrow morning going into that final round?

JOEL DAHMEN: Yeah, if you'd told me on Thursday morning I'd only be three back coming into Sunday of a U.S. Open -- you don't have to do a whole lot. You shoot a couple under -- it's easier said than done, but I mean, I'm right there. I wish I would have got off to a little better start today, but played really well. My putter just wasn't great, and I didn't chip it very well.

I like where my game is at. I felt comfortable out there. Maybe I can sneak up behind them tomorrow.

Q. Flawless back nine today; you played really well, nine pars. What can you take from that nine and apply to tomorrow?

JOEL DAHMEN: Yeah, actually I drove it well today and hit my long irons -- hit my wedges poor that led to a couple bogeys and a couple three-putts in there, but I'm comfortable. My game is right there. I've proven I can hang with these guys. You know, if I get off to a good start tomorrow, it's going to be really fun. That's the goal tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121876-1-1002 2022-06-19 00:15:00 GMT

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