U.S. Open Championship 2022

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Guido Migliozzi

Quick Quotes

Q. So you're the low round of the day by two strokes. Could you just tell us what was working for you out there.

GUIDO MIGLIOZZI: It's been a great round of golf. I played very, very solid from tee to green, and it was a long time that I was not playing like that, maybe from last year Sunday at the U.S. Open that I was not in that position.

I just felt really, really good on the golf course. I dropped a few putts on the course because I just made two three-putts and missed a short one on 15. But it's been a great day, and I'm very, very happy.

Q. What was the change between today and last year's Open that got things moving in the right direction?

GUIDO MIGLIOZZI: Well, I took advantage from this morning's rain a little bit because the course is playing a bit slower and wet as well compared to yesterday. Yesterday was really, really tough.

So I've just been aggressive the first holes and I went 4-under par the front eight holes, and I felt amazing. I just wanted to keep going, and I finished good. So it was good.

Q. You mentioned the aggressive start. What was your mindset on the 1st tee going into the last round of this championship?

GUIDO MIGLIOZZI: I had nothing to lose, and I just wanted to play great golf. I worked really, really hard with my coach for try to come back on high levels from tee to green. Today's been one of those days that I was feeling very great.

Q. So you mentioned the course conditions a bit softer today than it was yesterday. What are the guys out there, what are they dealing with the rest of this afternoon?

GUIDO MIGLIOZZI: It's still the country club. It's still Sunday of the U.S. Open. There's a lot of pressure. From my opinion, my pressure is not the same pressure that those guys has.

They can play great golf, and they can score as well because it's not as tough as yesterday, if the wind doesn't come. So that's my feeling.

Q. I know you just walked off the 72nd hole, but what are your thoughts overall on your week here at the U.S. Open?

GUIDO MIGLIOZZI: Overall it's been great. I'm pleased. I need that week because coming from missing a lot of cuts. So I practiced a lot. So I'm very, very happy for what my U.S. Open has been. Just looking back, you just see that you drop a few shots on the course, but I like to see the better ways. I'm happy that I played solid from tee to green. I played solid with my putter. That's why I can say I'm happy.

Q. Can you just walk us through that eagle on No. 8.

GUIDO MIGLIOZZI: It was a strong wind from left to right, and I had a beautiful driver. Just didn't move from the left edge, so it stopped there. Then I just had a great, great yardage from that position with a 3-wood. That shot was amazing. It was really, really nice.

Then I holed a putt from two meters, and I felt very, very great in that moment.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121883-1-1182 2022-06-19 19:34:00 GMT

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