U.S. Open Championship 2022

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Adam Scott

Quick Quotes

Q. 2-under today, played pretty well. Can you just walk us through your round.

ADAM SCOTT: I played some really good stuff. I've felt good all week, but U.S. Opens are hard because you can derail so quickly. I managed to keep it together today. The course was a little friendlier with the rain overnight, but the wind was up early.

I hit some good shots and got off to a good start and survived a day at the country club.

Q. You mentioned the course, the conditions. What do you think the rest of the groups are going to be working with?

ADAM SCOTT: They've got it pretty good. The wind is actually dropping compared to earlier, and the greens have softened up. But they're dealing with the pressure of playing with the contention of a U.S. Open. It doesn't take much to get out of sorts even with slightly friendlier conditions. So they have extreme pressure.

I think the one who can free up the most and take a swing at it if you won't make a bunch of birdies will be the one who comes out on top. The birdies are out there, but you're going to have to accept a couple of mistakes.

Q. I know you just came off the 72nd hole, but can you sum up your week so far?

ADAM SCOTT: I really enjoyed the week. I feel like I had a plan for the golf course and it worked well. Of course when you're not winning, you can easily point out areas where you can do better. The last three holes on Friday probably really cost me a good run at this tournament over the weekend.

That's my simple explanation after just walking off. It would have been nice to be under par on Friday night and been feeling like I'm really in contention, but I was on the periphery all week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121887-1-1182 2022-06-19 20:17:00 GMT

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