U.S. Open Championship 2022

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Gary Woodland

Quick Quotes

Q. You made the double on 2, and then you were 3-under in your next nine, 2-under the rest of the round. What let you get into a groove today?

GARY WOODLAND: I was playing well. I did the same thing. I think I tripled it on Friday, and I bogeyed it yesterday. That hole, obviously, had my number, and I just kept telling myself I was playing well.

That's what it came down to. I hit a lot of quality golf shots today. Definitely could have posted a better number than I did, but any time you shoot under par three of four rounds at a U.S. Open, it's a pretty good thing.

Q. Obviously, majors have so much to contest with. When you come to a U.S. Open, a lot of times you're contesting with the course itself, but you look at a day like today, it's 25 degrees colder than it was on Friday. How much does all of that play into a final round?

GARY WOODLAND: It adds to it. The golf course, obviously, go the some rain last night, so it was a little more receptive than it's been all week, which probably is why you see some lower scores coming down the stretch.

The wind has died down a little bit now. It would have been interesting if we didn't get the rain last night. I think it would have been similar to yesterday.

But yesterday was what they wanted, and that's what you want in a U.S. Open. It was hard. Conditions were brutal. The golf course set up perfectly.

The best player, obviously, this week is going to win because it's a stacked leaderboard, and it's coming down the stretch. It will be good.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
121894-1-1878 2022-06-19 22:23:00 GMT

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