U.S. Open Championship 2022

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Brookline, Massachusetts, USA

The Country Club

Keegan Bradley

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Keegan Bradley, 1-under 71. Keegan, just talk about that weekend. It was phenomenal for you.

KEEGAN BRADLEY: There's a part of me that's still happy that it's over. I'm tapped out. What a week. I had the best time. I'm so thankful for the fans of New England and Boston.

I'm proud of the way I played. I wish I had putted a little better today, but that's the way it goes.

Q. What about the ovation on 18 green?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Man, I'll remember that the rest of my life. It was really special. I'm happy that my family was here to see that, and it was just amazing.

Q. You probably are a little bit biased compared to most players out here, but if you had to make a pitch for The Country Club to host another one of these things in the near future, what would that pitch be?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: I think it's one of the best golf courses in the world, and alongside probably the best sports fans in the world. Combine those two, and you get this out here.

The Country Club is spectacular. I absolutely loved it. It's my favorite U.S. Open venue I've ever played. Any time you get to play a tournament in Boston, it's electric. The fans are the best.

Q. It's been kind of a weird year in golf, but as they say on TV, this is really what it's all about, isn't it?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, I mean, this is a U.S. Open in Boston. What an unbelievable setting this has been. To me, when I think of the U.S. Open, I think of this year.

I think in the past the USGA has gone a weird route with how we've played these U.S. Opens. I think with the leadership of Jason Gore, a lot of this -- the U.S. Open, USGA seems to be going in a much better direction.

Q. Could you find an extra gear this week because you're home?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Honestly, I think I could. I got off to bad starts the last three days in a row, like horrible, horrible starts, and I sort of battled back.

I told my caddie on -- I think it was the 12th hole -- I've got to really try to enjoy this coming in. Something I never really take a second to do, because I may never really get this opportunity again, and I did that.

I'm proud of the week. I wish today was a little better, but I'm proud of the way I played.

Q. Keegan, your dad was on practice rounds a lot with you. You have family here, friends, high school, teammates. But the shoes, you had your family on your shoes and your late grandmother. Talk about playing with her on your mind this week. She's kind of the matriarch of your family.

KEEGAN BRADLEY: She was a very powerful force in our family forever. She recently passed away. She wouldn't miss a round of golf I played or my Aunt Pat played. I'm very proud to be her grandson. I had her with me this week. I kept looking down, and that made me very proud.

Q. Keegan, first off, tell us who you have with you and what this week was to share it with family and friends.

KEEGAN BRADLEY: What's your name?


KEEGAN BRADLEY: This is Logan. You know, when my family's here, I always play well. It's a different routine for me. I go home and I'm a dad, and I think that helps me take my mind off of playing golf. It's just great.

I hate to hang out with these guys tonight, and he doesn't even know what's going on out here. He thinks we're on vacation. It's pretty special.

Q. You got vacation here in the summer, right? You're spending three months up here?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: We're spending the whole summer up here. We're going to spend the summer up here, right? Yeah, so we're looking forward to that.


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