U.S. Open Championship 2023

Friday, June 16, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Brooks Koepka

Quick Quotes

Q. First of all, how do you think the course played compared to yesterday?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Probably played about the same. I didn't think it was too tricked up. Yeah, I mean, I thought it was fine.

Q. Did you notice it start to firm up a little when the sun came out at the end of your round?

BROOKS KOEPKA: I think it was just a little firmer to start with, but I don't think it was bad.

I just think it's tough, the wind kind of, it's light enough where can kind of comes from a couple directions and can switch easy.

Q. Philosophically what should a U.S. Open setup be? You're one who has kicked ass on some hard ones. What do you think like it should be?

BROOKS KOEPKA: I think it should be around par. Yeah, I mean I don't -- I'm not a huge fan of this place. I just think that there's a -- I'm not a huge fan of blind tee shots, and then I think there's just some spots that no matter what you hit, the ball just ends up in the same spot.

I think it would be more fun to play on just like a regular round than it would be a U.S. Open. I mean, there's, what, two 8s yesterday. That doesn't happen.

Q. Would it be possible to trick this place up to get it to be harder?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, I mean, I think if you made the greens a little bit faster, but I don't know if you really can. Then it might be interesting, that's for sure.

Q. What were you expecting today based on the 8s and the 6s and everything that was posted yesterday? I mean, they have been known to overreact to things.

BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah. Yeah, they can. They can. I thought every pin position was fine. I didn't think anything was really tricked up. I guess I just didn't play that great so not going to really shoot a good number.

Q. Where would you say your form is the last two days compared to the last month?

BROOKS KOEPKA: I'm actually playing better than I did at Oak Hill. I don't think I played that great Saturday; Sunday, I didn't have it.

But just some like did you mean shots. Like on 9 missing it in the only spot you can't miss it on. Just some little stuff like that. Scoring holes. Irons off the tee. I hit in the rough.

That's been quite frustrating, just little dumb stuff like that.

Q. How much does the course fit your eye mean to you and your game and your success? Do you think that's part of the reason why you're not where you want to be?

BROOKS KOEPKA: No, no, no. I've definitely -- I won majors on golf courses that I haven't really liked too much. But, yeah, this one, I don't know, it's just -- it's not my favorite.

Q. How do you feel where you're at when you look at the leaderboard? How far down is too far down?

BROOKS KOEPKA: I mean, obviously I got to play two good rounds, so that's something I have to do. But definitely would like to be further up from where I'm at.

But it all depends what happens today, whether the wind picks up. I saw Rickie was at 10 when I signed my scorecard, so who knows what those guys are going to get to.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
134015-1-1041 2023-06-16 21:28:00 GMT

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