U.S. Open Championship 2023

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Rory Sweeney

LACC Head Professional

Quick Quotes

Q. Such a cool thing.

RORY SWEENEY: Such a great experience. Tom is wonderful, a wonderful guy. He's our director of golf here, and a mad golf professional underneath him, and he's a great player. Honored to work at the club with him. He's just a great guy. To get to spend a special moment like that with him really was great.

Q. Was that indicative, the calls of "Tommy, Tommy," throughout the round?

RORY SWEENEY: Yeah, the members are super supportive. They were shouting our names, just something that you'll remember for the rest of your life. Just really special to be in between the ropes on a weekend on a major.

Just truly special, and especially because it's home for us. It's our club and our members, and yeah, the USGA has done a wonderful job on setting up the course, and we're excited for the weekend.

Q. What's the feeling out there for you personally, knowing that you tried to qualify for this championship and now you're out there walking around?

RORY SWEENEY: Yeah, obviously we all dream to play in one of these, and to share it with one of my best mates is something really special. We had a good time. We laughed and joked and --

Q. Were there some snapshot memories that you'll take from that?

RORY SWEENEY: Just walking up 18 and seeing the grandstands, and he holed a raker on 10 outside our member tent and everyone went crazy and was shouting and screaming. It was great.

It's something that -- even the first tee shot they applaud and the cheers he got when he teed off was fantastic.

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134041-1-1041 2023-06-17 20:10:00 GMT

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