U.S. Open Championship 2023

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Shane Lowry

Quick Quotes

SHANE LOWRY: Pleasing, but could have been better, you know, like most of my days this year.

Obviously got to 4-under after 9 and I was pretty happy with myself.

I got robbed on 1o and I was sort of thinking if I could shoot 5-under today that -- I was really happy when I woke up this morning and seen the sun out and bit of wind.

I thought the leaders are not playing very late. Might get a bit tougher than we're going to get it, so I thought if I could shoot a score -- 2-under wasn't what I had in mind, but still decent.

Probably as the day goes on (indiscernible) might be a little bit, but there are still some chances out there if you you play well.

Yeah, 16, 17 was just a bit sour for me. Just lost concentration on 16, then just hit my putt too hard on 17.

Yeah, other than that, it was a good day. It was another good day.

Q. What happened an 10?

SHANE LOWRY: I hit a great putt and just got really slowly -- yeah.

So, hit two nice shots in there. Spun off the green. I don't know how I got too much spin, how I spun off the green on a day like this to be honest. Was a soft spot there.

Q. What did you make of the 15th?

SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, I had a plan, a game plan to just play it in to the slope where the pin was yesterday. So I did. I hit a great shot and hit it to 25 feet, so I was pretty happy with myself making par there. 83 yards.

I think most of the par-3s you're kind of happy with par on this course. Yeah, it's different. It's interesting.

Q. 210 yard difference between...

SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, it is. Like there is nowhere really to hit it. Like I kind of go if I hit ten balls there I would probably hit the green with once. I'm not going to take that on, especially I was doing okay. I thought if we could sneak one more be a lovely day, so, yeah.

Q. Are you attempted to try to take the draft and go at the pin or...

SHANE LOWRY: No, I think at this level you just need to be very disciplined in your decisions. Look, if I was three or four over par for the round maybe I would've stood up and tried to do something.

But when you're going okay you do need to be disciplined with your decisions. At the start of the week I set a little knob in the middle of the green, like it was 95 yards to it today. I said I'm going to try and land it on that and spin it spin back off that 20, 30 feet, and that's what I did.

Q. You got what you wanted out of the front. Is it just really hard to get through the back with a clean sheet?

SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, it is. Like 11, I didn't hit a great shot on 11.

Hit a decent drive on 12. Just missed the fairway. It was absolutely dead. You know, it's been a while since I had a lie that bad in the rough.

You just kind of grind.

Even 14, I birdied 14. Good chance but hit a bad shot and all of a sudden, you seen what happened to Tommy. Tommy got absolutely screwed there.

Yeah, look, if you play it well, like 17 is a really hard hole, but I hit two great shots to eight feet there; Tommy hit it to four feet.

It's doable, but it's hard to do for the whole day on a course like this. You need everything to be going your way to kind of go really low out here.

Q. What pleased you most about your game this week?

SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, I feel like I've been mentally pretty good. I putted nice. Early on today I holed some great par putts.

So pretty happy with that. My iron play hasn't been amazing, as good as it normally is. That 7-iron on the last was pretty poor to be honest.

Yeah it's one of those weeks where I'm finding other stuff and losing others. It's a funny game where I'm doing some things well one week and then other things well another week.

Like I keep saying, it'll all come together soon. I just hope it's on the right week.

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