U.S. Open Championship 2023

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Viktor Hovland

Quick Quotes

Q. I know you had a lot of pars today. Maybe just talk about your round overall.

VIKTOR HOVLAND: Yeah, played pretty solid today, actually. Hit a lot of greens. Just didn't quite get too close and didn't putt it amazing today.

There was a couple spots where, like par-5, 14, I just left myself in a tough spot on the second shot and made a bogey there, and three-putted 9. Except for those two mistakes, it was a pretty nice round. Just didn't get too much going.

Q. Would you say the course felt a lot firmer than yesterday?

VIKTOR HOVLAND: Yeah, the greens were definitely a little bit firmer, maybe rolling out a little bit more in the fairways, as well. It's probably going to get pretty firm for the last few groups out there.

Q. What kind of conditions are the leaders going to be facing as they come into the clubhouse?

VIKTOR HOVLAND: Yeah, especially with the sunshine, yeah, the greens are just getting firmer and firmer.

Especially I think 14 is going to be very tough; 15 is going to be tough; 17 and 18 you've got some room, and 16 you've got some room, but I think 14 and 15 can get pretty dicey.

Q. You've been playing the course all week. Is there any hole that sticks out as a favorite for you?

VIKTOR HOVLAND: You know what, I'm not a big fan of this golf course, to be honest. I think there's some good holes. I don't think there's any great holes. I think there's a few bad holes.

I think No. 9 is probably the best hole out here in my opinion.

Q. You left yourself 2-under for the day. Do you feel you're within striking distance going into tomorrow?

VIKTOR HOVLAND: I need something really special to have a chance, but a good round tomorrow we can still finish up pretty high and maybe take advantage of the somewhat earlier tee time than the other guys are going to have.

If we post a low score tomorrow, it could be a nice result.

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134059-1-1041 2023-06-18 00:47:00 GMT

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