U.S. Open Championship 2023

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

The Los Angeles Country Club

Jordan Smith

Quick Quotes

Q. How nice is it to see this result on the board this week in a major field?

JORDAN SMITH: It's been great. Struggled a little bit in parts, but it's so tough out there. It's on a knife edge. You can hit some great shots and get screwed or hit some quite bad shots and end up getting some good bounces into pins or on fairways. I'm happy to finish off with a final good score to end the week.

Q. It sets you up nicely for some big events now on the DP World Tour and trying to secure one of those 10 spots on the PGA TOUR.

JORDAN SMITH: Yeah, it'll be nice to have a week off next week, get over the jet lag, and then we've got four big events. We've got obviously the Belfry, sort of a home event, and obviously Scotland and the Open coming up. Yeah, be great to get a good run of events going.

Q. How would you grade your week, A, B, C?

JORDAN SMITH: I'm going to say B. There was a lot of good stuff, but a lot of not-so-good stuff. Overall I've really enjoyed it. It's been great sort of coming to the U.S. Open. Had some great crowds here. Just happy with how the week went overall.

Q. How does the course set up for the leaders now?

JORDAN SMITH: The thing is there's some accessible pins, but you get the wrong sides of them, you're coming straight downhill to those tight pins on 13, 14 stimped greens. If you're on, you can get close to them, but if you're not on, you can get sort of stymied on a lot of shots.

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134087-1-1002 2023-06-18 21:13:00 GMT

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