U.S. Open Championship 2024

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Patrick Cantlay

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Patrick Cantlay, even par 70 in your final round. Talk us through that round today.

PATRICK CANTLAY: Yeah, all in all I thought I played pretty solid. Could have holed a few more putts. If I would have putted like I did yesterday, I would have been right there.

Q. Fell just short of the ultimate goal. What are you going to take away from this week?

PATRICK CANTLAY: Yeah, I played well. Looking forward to having more opportunities. This is exactly why I play. It was good to be in contention. Obviously I would have liked to get the job done. Just a bit short this time.

Q. How about the atmosphere and the fans out there at Pinehurst?

PATRICK CANTLAY: Yeah, the fans were great this week. I thought the venue was great. The golf course was in perfect U.S. Open shape. I'm sure looking forward to the next time it's here.

Thank you.

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145370-1-1002 2024-06-16 22:38:00 GMT

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