U.S. Women's Open

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Southern Pines, North Carolina, USA

Pine Needles Lodge and Golf Club

Allisen Corpuz

Quick Quotes


Q. Allisen Corpuz, a really solid start, 2-under today. Just walk me through your round out there.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, got off to a hot start. Birdied the first hole; made a couple really good pars to start off. Made a lot of pars, a lot of really good pars actually, and then made I think three bogeys, 12, 13, and then 17.

Really was just telling myself, it's a tough week, trying to keep myself in there, and then got a couple birdies on the way in, as well.

Q. You had those two bogeys and then actually went back-to-back birdies to get those back. What was the mindset through that two-shot swing through four holes?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, going into 15, it's a par-5. Par-5s are always a good opportunity for birdie. Kind of told myself that on the tee. Actually ended up hitting the third shot over the green and chipping in for birdie.

But really been putting in a lot of work on the wedges, so it was nice to see that kind of pay off today. Then just hit a really good tee shot into 16.

Kind of had the same game plan the whole day, just try my best to play for par, and if you have a good look at birdie, try to make that.

Q. Played at Shadow Creek in Vegas last week; did pretty well, went pretty far. What was the energy level coming into this major?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I mean, it's a major, right? You have to have some adrenaline. It was definitely hot out there last week, so really just trying to take the practice days to see the course, but also a couple days of rest.

And yeah, just really excited. Had a really fun pairing today with Annie and Lilia.

Q. You and Lilia were duking it out last week. Was it fun to play with her again?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I've known her from I think junior worlds when we were like 10 years old. Known her for a really long time. It's just so awesome to play with both of them.

Q. 10 years old and you were playing in your first USGA Championship. You've been out here, you've been around the block when it comes to the USGA stuff. How cool is it to play in your first U.S. Women's Open as a professional?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, it's so awesome. I know a couple other girls have said it before, I saw Lexi in her interview and I believe Nelly, as well, this is kind of like our national championship, so really cool that this is my first major start as a professional.

Q. What have been some of the feelings around here at Pine Needles? Obviously it's a storied history, obviously that people have that won here before you. Do you get on these grounds and kind of feel different?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, definitely. It's Bermuda, which I kind of grew up on in Hawai'i and I've played in Pinehurst for the North-South a couple of times, so I think it feels pretty similar.

Both Donald Ross designs, so just felt pretty comfortable out there today and hoping to just stay comfortable through the week.

Q. 2-under, good start. What did you learn today about -- a lot of runoffs off these greens. It's kind of tough to hold the greens out here. What did you learn today that's going to help you the rest of the week?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, really just gauging rollouts and like you said, kind of trying to keep them short, and if they stay short, just two-putt, get out. If they roll out, then you'll have a chance at birdie.

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121158-1-1041 2022-06-02 17:36:00 GMT

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