U.S. Women's Open

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Megan Schofill

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Please welcome to the interview area our reigning Women's Amateur champion. Talk about your overall play today and your feelings on the golf course.

MEGAN SCHOFILL: Yeah, so today it was definitely a grind towards the end. Finished on 16, 17 and 18, which the back nine is really challenging.

But started out playing really well, hitting a lot of fairways and greens, which is super key here, and made a few nice short putts to kind of keep the momentum in my favor.

Yeah, I think for me, I hit a lot of fairways and a lot of middle of the greens, which really helped.

Q. You had the double obviously on 16, but to be able to come back with two pars, especially on 18 which is playing hard, they kind of say at a U.S. Open you've got to take your poison and move on. Talk about how you were able to do that.

MEGAN SCHOFILL: Yeah, 16, it was just honestly one bad shot off the tee. I felt really confident with the driver this whole day. Kind of was a little too aggressive and paid for it on 16 making the double.

But yeah, 17, 18, I had two really great two-putts, and I felt like that just kind of kept the momentum. And I putted pretty good all day, so I felt really confident.

Q. The hole everyone wants to talk about is the 12th hole. How did you attack that hole today?

MEGAN SCHOFILL: Honestly, I was trying to play well past the hole and went up a club and caught it pretty heavy and just kind of got lucky, if you want to know my honest answer.

Q. Did you have any idea that Nelly had made a 10 on that hole when you were out there?

MEGAN SCHOFILL: I figured she made a double just because we had a little bit of a -- kind of a rough hole on that, and the guy that was there, I don't know what his position was, he said Nelly had chipped it in the water. That's all I heard. But that's all I knew.

Q. What about the greens in general? They seem to be kind of slick and really treacherous all the way around the golf course. Leaving 12 aside, was that the biggest challenge you had today?

MEGAN SCHOFILL: I think so, yeah. The greens definitely as the day went on, too, got pretty firm. They were already really fast. But as the wind started picking up, I felt like they were releasing more. I found 18 really hard to hold with a mid-iron coming in. But I think hitting the fairway is super important just as much as hitting the green.

But if you get in the rough or some of these fairway bunkers, you're kind of chipping out. I hit in two fairway bunkers and played those holes 3-over. Hitting the fairway is probably as important as hitting a good shot into the green.

Q. How are you more prepared for this week having been at Auburn in terms of tackling a course like this?

MEGAN SCHOFILL: Well, we just came from the national championship, and that golf course had a lot of thick rough, as well. Obviously probably not as thick as here. But yeah, we play a lot of great events and get to play with great competitors every day and just really get to test my game with those girls at home.

I just think playing on a team is probably the best thing that's ever happened to my game.

Q. Your future plans for the rest of the summer?

MEGAN SCHOFILL: I plan to stay an amateur for the rest of the summer, and then I'll go to Q-school in the fall.

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