U.S. Women's Open

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Pia Babnik

Quick Quotes

Q. Two birdies, two bogeys for even par. Walk me through the round.

PIA BABNIK: Yeah, it was a very good round. I'm very happy with how I played. I hit a lot of greens, which made it easier here to make pars, which is really important. I just stayed patient and took my chances.

Q. You had one of the later tee times today, so you saw the scoring throughout the day. What were you thinking going into the round?

PIA BABNIK: Nothing, just try to stay patient. I saw that they weren't going low, so I knew I was there, and I knew my game was good enough, so I just tried to stay patient and tried to play my game.

Q. You got in through qualifying, right, in Germany?


Q. In the qualifier you were in a two-for-one playoff?


Q. Could you talk a little bit about that?

PIA BABNIK: Yeah, so I was in a playoff. We played four holes. It was already dark. Luckily on the fourth playoff hole, I made a putt for birdie, and that was it.

Q. Going into tomorrow after having played the course today, what's your approach?

PIA BABNIK: Yeah, just the same as today, just try to stay patient, try to hit good shots and take any chances I get.

Q. This is your second U.S. Women's Open you've played in?


Q. Which was the first?

PIA BABNIK: It was two years ago in Pine Needles.

Q. Could you talk a little bit about what you learned out there and how it might have helped you today?

PIA BABNIK: Yeah, that course, the greens were even crazier than here, which is kind of hard to think. But yeah, just really knowing where to hit your shots on the green, which was really important there, and it's also here. That was something that I took from there.

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