U.S. Women's Open

Friday, May 31, 2024

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Nelly Korda

Flash Interview


THE MODERATOR: Please welcome back to the interview area Nelly Korda.

Q. Obviously you had an uphill task coming into today to make the cut. What was the game plan going in and how did you feel you executed?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah. I mean, shot 70, made three birdies in a row on the front nine and got myself to 8-over. I knew it was going to be a tough day. There's not many low scores out here, and I was pretty far back.

Tried to give it my all. That's what I do with every round. I had nothing to lose, so that was kind of like the mentality. Just go for it.

Q. The 12th hole was entertaining again today but in a much better way. Could you take us through your emotions on that hole?

NELLY KORDA: Not good. It's definitely not one of my favorite holes. I actually hit my iron shot really bad. I hit it chunky, and thankfully it held up. I was kind of in a really fluffy weird grassy lie. It almost kind of felt like Bermuda fluffy, so I just tried to jab at it knowing it was uphill.

I actually thought I missed the putt, and the golf gods kind of made it go to the left, and I made it. It was nice to make a par. I wanted to make a birdie to get my revenge on that hole, but par will do.

Q. Were you thinking more about just playing a good round of golf or were you very conscious of the cut?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I mean, when I made those three birdies in a row, I wanted to make the cut, obviously. I knew that I was kind of hovering around it, and I just couldn't get anything going on the back. I wasn't hitting my shots well off the tee. I really struggled off the tee this week. Just wasn't getting it close. The majority of my holes I was saving pars. It was kind of tough out here trying to get into the cut line.

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144741-1-1041 2024-05-31 23:27:00 GMT

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