U.S. Women's Open

Friday, May 31, 2024

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Megan Schofill

Quick Quotes

Q. First Women's Open. How does that feel?

MEGAN SCHOFILL: It feels great. Honestly today was a grind. I kind of hit it all over the place, and my short game saved me. I made a lot of putts. I think I had like two tap-ins for par all day. Everything was having to mark, but it was just a really long day, honestly. I felt like I hung in really well and now I feel like the hard part is over, which is making the cut. Now I can just go out there and have fun tomorrow.

Q. I was going to ask about the putter. Do you have the greens figured out?

MEGAN SCHOFILL: Yeah, I really do like these greens. I think today I kind of was leaving it in the right spots to make par. I only had one birdie, but I made a lot of really nice putts for par and just kind of matched the line and speed. But really was just trying to make bogey my worst score.

Q. There have been a few Ams in the field have a strong week. What do you make of that on this course?

MEGAN SCHOFILL: I think just fairways and greens are really important. Today I did not hit a lot of greens, and it kind of cost me, but luckily I putted really well the whole day today. I think just any USGA-style golf course, fairways and greens and making par is really big.

Q. Is that the plan for this weekend?

MEGAN SCHOFILL: Yeah, just really stick to fairways and greens, and if I get close, maybe I'll make one. But really try not to be aggressive.

Q. You had two reigning major champions in your group. Did that come up at all?

MEGAN SCHOFILL: Allisen and I talked about it a little bit, but I feel like everyone is kind of in their own groove. And I feel like this golf course is so hard, and there's not a lot of time to talk about the past or anything like that. I think everyone was just really locked in and trying to really focus on a really difficult golf course.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
144742-1-1041 2024-05-31 23:30:00 GMT

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