U.S. Women's Open

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Ally Ewing

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you maybe talk about your approach coming into the day and then the hot start with birdies on four of the first six?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, my approach was just the same as it has been the first two days. I think being in position off the tee is really important. I kind of did that okay. But a lot of holes I was kind of scrambling and managed to hit some good approaches from the rough.

The main thing today was that balls rolled in. I hit it okay the first two days and gave myself a lot of opportunities yesterday, I just didn't convert. There's so much break. It's hard to time up that speed and the line and everything, and I was able to convert a lot of those today. That was the difference maker.

Q. The back nine you birdied 10 and then it was kind of steady after that with a good save on 18. Can you talk about just the back nine?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I made a lot of good saves. 11 I got the ball up-and-down. Then I got a ball up-and-down on 14 and 15. Then just kind of scrambled in. Like you said, I got that up-and-down on 18.

I hit some okay bunker shots, chips, but the putter saved me. I think I made a 12-footer and a 14-footer on 14 and 15. Just kind of scrambled well on that back nine.

Q. This is your 10th U.S. Women's Open. You've had a good run since 2019. Can you talk about the approach and what you've noticed different from the last time you were at Lancaster?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, last time I was at Lancaster I got in on Tuesday as an alternate, got here on a Wednesday and played a quick nine and walked the back nine as the sun was going down. It was a real scramble from what I recall. I remember the course vaguely.

Yeah, come a long way. It took I don't know how many starts for me to make a cut. That was like a monkey on my back for a long time. This golf tournament means so much to me as an American, so to be here where I made my first start as a pro, first U.S. Open as a pro means a lot. I'm just excited for hopefully a good Sunday to finish off a good tournament.

Q. Can you talk about what you plan on doing before the round Sunday and then your focus going into there?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, just same approach. Hope I drive it a little bit better, so I'm going to go to the range after I go sign some of these kids' stuff.

Drive it better, hopefully give myself more opportunities from the fairway, and trust my ball-striking and then hope I roll it the same as I did today.

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