U.S. Women's Open

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Arpichaya Yubol

Quick Quotes

Q. If you could give us a thought about today. You played pretty well, four birdies. Talk about your round.

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Yeah, I feel like today I hit pretty good shots. The golf course is too hard for me, but I hit good shots and then get good opportunities for me, like many holes for me to birdie.

Q. You made four birdies today. Any of those stand out in your mind, any really good birdies?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: I feel like hole No. 2. I hit the second shot pretty perfect spot and the ball landed just two feet, and I can make the birdie. Easy one for me.

Another one is hole 10 because it's not an easy hole, like a long hole. I hit the second shot a little bit over, but I get a birdie, like long putt from the back, and then I get a birdie. Made me like oh, you can do long putts sometimes.

Q. How long was that putt?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Yeah, like 50 feet.

Q. You weren't expecting to make it, and it drops in and you've got to be pretty happy.

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Yeah, every putt, like long putt this week, I think just two-putt and then tap in and that is enough for me. Like is that the first hole for me? Because first round, second round, I don't have any putts for birdie, and then today I made it. It gives me confidence for tomorrow like okay, I can do the long putts. I can make birdies, too.

Q. First time you've made the cut in the U.S. Women's Open. I'm sure you're enjoying the week and excited about what tomorrow can bring for you.

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Yeah, I'm so excited for tomorrow. It is the first in my life, first major I made the cut. I'm sure tomorrow will have good memory for me in my life.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
144772-1-1041 2024-06-01 19:57:00 GMT

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