U.S. Women's Open

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Hinako Shibuno

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Welcome back to the interview area. Here with Hinako Shibuno. Played great out there today. Birdies, en route to a 66. Talk us through your round.

HINAKO SHIBUNO: I myself got so surprised that I made seven birdies. I think that I got pretty good hit in the shots, so that I was able to be more aggressive.

Q. And do you think the course has changed at all from the first two days to today?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: So I don't think that that course has changed much at all, but because I'm playing in a good position, that gives me confidence and I was able to play in a really good mood.

Q. And you're very much in contention now for the championship. Are you going to change your mindset at all going into tomorrow?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: So from my position right now, I cannot think about that. However -- thinking about winning the title, are however, yesterday I mentioned I would like to enjoy playing golf.

I feel the same way. However, today I felt nausea all the way.

Q. What is working so well for you this week that maybe hasn't in previous weeks this season? How did you address that coming in?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: I think one of the reason is that I changed shafts of the club. I made them a little bit more flexible, a little softer one. By doing so I was able to increase the -- reproducing that swing, and I also felt kind of refreshed start using the different shafts of the clubs.

Q. This is the first week using those shafts?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: I was adjusting the shafts until Wednesday this week.

Q. There are so many Japanese players playing well here this week. What is it about this course that is causing Japanese players to excel, do you think?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: So, very difficult, but I heard some of the players saying that this course is similar to some of the Japanese course, so that might be it.

And also, that there are -- that the players that shot straight, and so that is good.

And many of the Japanese players are patient, and so maybe those things contributed how well Japanese players are doing here.

Q. One last from me: Do you feel like you elevate your game a little more when there is a big crowd? Does that get you excited more to play well?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: Yes. (Laughter.)

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