U.S. Women's Open

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Wichanee Meechai

Quick Quotes

Q. What's your overall experience this week and what do you take away from this experience at the U.S. Women's Open?

WICHANEE MEECHAI: I played pretty bad today, but I feel like I can play better. It's the U.S. Open; the pins were so hard today. I'm just so excited today. Sometimes you can play bad golf on one day, but I'm kind of proud of myself that I can handle this week pretty good.

I finished top 10, which means next year I can get in and play next year, which I'll try to come back stronger and play better.

Q. You qualified this year, obviously, but as you mentioned you don't have to go through qualifying next year. You proved to yourself and the world that you can compete at this competition. What do you do with that? Does that build confidence? What are you going to take away from that going into this next year?

WICHANEE MEECHAI: I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing right now and just believe in myself that I can do it, that I can win the tournament. I think that's the key for me now.

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144833-1-1041 2024-06-02 22:33:00 GMT

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