Q. Mac, you're an alternate and here you are playing in your first match here at Seminole in the Walker Cup. How do you deal with the emotions of the last couple days?
MAC MEISSNER: I mean, it's been a whirlwind of emotions, from being sick on I guess it was Thursday night to being able to play this morning. It was awesome. I mean, I was so nervous on that first tee ball that I hit on that second hole, but after that we calmed down and we played some awesome golf coming in.
Q. When you were toppling on with him and you knew that he might be a touch on the nervous side, Ricky, what were you going through inside?
RICKY CASTILLO: I mean, I was nervous, same as him. The first four or five holes we were kind of jittery and were a little just worried about everything, and then once we kind of got settled in, we started playing some really good golf. Alternate shot is such a tough format where you have to be really good with your teammate and stuff, and we did a really good job of that today, so it was a lot of fun.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports