Q. Matty, you were a last-second replacement. How challenging is that to be put on the spot and come right back out after playing in the morning this afternoon?
MATTY LAMB: Yeah, Captain Stewart told me that Joe was kind of still not feeling the best, so he just told me to get ready the same as I would normally if I was getting ready to play. I kind of just took it as if I was playing, and if I didn't, then that would have happened, but yeah, so I just kind of treated it like I would be playing anyway.
Q. We were just talking to Tyler Strafaci; he's back from the hospital and wanted to come out and support the American team. Has this illness craziness kind of brought everybody together a little bit more from your side with Great Britain and Ireland, kind of add a little bit more camaraderie to it?
MATTY LAMB: Yeah, definitely. I think obviously all the lads who aren't feeling the best showing their efforts out here today and playing hard is obviously a massive thing on their back, and just hope everyone gets better as soon as possible.
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