Walker Cup

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Juno Beach, Florida, USA

Seminole Golf Club

Stuart Wilson

GB&I Captain

Golf Channel Interview

Q. Captain Wilson, you've got to be extremely proud of your side, cutting into the American lead. Your reaction to the morning session?

STUART WILSON: Yeah, it was a great session for us today. We talked about it last night, and we said, you know, if we have a reasonable session we'll keep in touch with the American side; if we have a good session we'll cut into the deficit; if we have a great session we'll go into the singles in the lead. So I think that goes down as a good session.

So yeah, we've reduced the lead by one point, in half there, so I think if we just had a little bit more out of the guys in the second match like it was looking at one point, we could have just closed the gap right then.

Q. Does this change your strategy when you talk to your team at the midpoint of today heading into those singles matches having cut so close into that lead?

STUART WILSON: Yeah, we'll be having the same old chat. The messaging has been the same all week, and it's starting to kind of pay dividends. I think the guys are doing all the right things, and progressively we're getting a little bit better each session in the way we're handling the golf course because we're getting used the conditions and things, so it should make for an interesting session this afternoon.

Q. Have you guys made any strategic modifications based on the golf course as you've started to learn it in this competitive environment with all the pressure and just how tough it's been playing?

STUART WILSON: Well, the message for the guys certainly has been obviously it's the Walker Cup; it's a big match for these guys. There's going to be a bit of anxiety, a bit of pressure. They're going to feel that, but we want them to embrace that and harness it and use it as a positive thing, and I think they've responded and I think they're really enjoying the whole experience.

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