Q. Nathaniel, what was the difference this week, do you think?
NATHANIEL CROSBY: I don't know. It was such an evenly matched contest and our guys were really fired up. GB&I, it just means so much to them, and the windy conditions with the firm fast greens, I thought it might be to their advantage a little bit.
But just an enormous talent. The text generation is gonna be well-served. A lot of future PGA stars emerging from this week and many are turning pro next week.
It's just --I've been blessed to be part of their lives here for a few years and it's been so great. I've been watching Tyler Strafaci for four and watch him win every match in the U.S. Amateur last year and Cole the year before almost. John Augenstein the second year.
So I now consider myself the horse whisperer.
Q. As is customary, the captain for the United States gets a home and away. How would you compare the two victories from from 2019 to this one?
NATHANIEL CROSBY: Well, I played at Royal Liverpool and we won in 1983, so it was like a homecoming for me to relive my old last experience. I'm an Anglophile. I love Great Britain and going to Scotland, Ireland. Made a lot of friends over there on the European Tour.
I think Robert Lee and all those clowns in the Sky Channel over there are my buddies from the European Tour days.
So it was just a great experience there. To come back to my home club at Seminole Golf Club, I been playing golf here since I first set foot out here when I was 14 playing with my dad, and a few years later got four rounds with Ben Hogan.
So I've been blessed with my golf experiences, and to be able to win a Walker Cup as captain at Seminole Golf Club is just too good to be true.
Q. A lot of history and you made some more. Congratulations.
NATHANIEL CROSBY: Very good at sitting and watching. (Laughter.)
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