U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

The Country Club of North Carolina

Cohen Trolio

Quick Quotes

Q. Seems like North Carolina is a good state for you.

COHEN TROLIO: Yeah, yeah, so far it's been pretty good to me.

Q. You've had success, obviously, in the U.S. Amateur and now you're playing well here again.

COHEN TROLIO: Yeah, I guess looking back at the Am, I learned a lot of stuff from it. I was still pretty young in that one. But now I am kind of growing up, kind of know what kind of golfer I am, and kind of just doing the same thing. Same thing wins, especially in match play, so yeah.

Q. It's a little bit strange in that you reversed things is that you played in the Am first instead of the Junior. What's it like playing in the Junior for the first time?

COHEN TROLIO: You know, amateur golf as far as like the deeper I got in the U.S. Am, the more you kind of play an amateur schedule from there on now, so for the last two years I kind of played an amateur schedule. Coming back to the U.S. Junior, it's a little different, just the way guys play, period, the way junior golfers play and the way good amateurs play is different, but still, golf is golf and the grass doesn't know who's hitting the ball off of it, so you've still kind of got to play golf.

Q. Did you have a certain amount of confidence coming into this one?

COHEN TROLIO: You know, I've played good -- I won our state Am a couple weeks ago, and then I played well in the Southern Am -- I didn't play a practice round, the first practice round here, so I got here late.

You know, my golf ball has been going really straight for the last six, seven months.

But as far as confidence goes, yeah, I know what I've got. I know what kind of golfer I am now, and I know how well I can play, and I know if I just do the same thing all the time, it will be hard for somebody to beat me.

Q. How hard is it to not have a practice round, especially when you know you're potentially going to be here all week?

COHEN TROLIO: Well, I kind of played -- I didn't get to play on Cardinal, so I played Dogwood just because I knew match play was all going to be on Dogwood. I assume it would be hard if you didn't know where your ball was going, but I kind of had a pretty good grasp of what was happening and where the ball was going to go.

I've got Tim with me. He talked the front nine, Tim Yelverton, walked 18 on Cardinal, so we kind of had it figured out pretty well.

Q. Today's match you got up early.


Q. Were there a couple good birdies in there?

COHEN TROLIO: Yeah, I kind of got in there, tried to jump on him as early as possible, just kind of get it flowing my way, and then it kind of balanced out there and then I jumped on him late again. I had a good birdie on 9, but nothing too crazy.

Q. Any good par today that you thought kept you out in front?

COHEN TROLIO: Shoot, man, I just played really stock golf, honestly. Every par I had was a tap-in birdie, every birdie I had was a pretty tap-in birdie. It was pretty stock and pretty normal.

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