U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

The Country Club of North Carolina

Caleb Surratt

Quick Quotes

Q. Have you ever been in a crazier match where it went that many -- roller coaster ride that it was?

CALEB SURRATT: I think I've been down pretty good and come back before and took it to 18 like that, but it was a different type of pressure that I've never really been in, having to defend the lead coming down 18, especially with a great player like Daniel. I mean, it was a different level of intensity than I've had before, but I think it's great to put that under my belt for future play in match play.

Q. You're down three early and then you go on that great run. Tell me about that winning six of seven holes, what you did well.

CALEB SURRATT: I think me and my caddie just talked it over and we figured out that God has got a plan and that whatever happens happens. If it's not his will that I win, it's not. I knew that my game was good enough to win no matter how far down I got, I just had to keep going.

Q. What were some of the good birdies in that run?

CALEB SURRATT: One of my favorite ones was -- I felt like the biggest turning point in the match was on 10. I had just won 8 and 9 and I was still 1-down and I had about a 12-footer for birdie and he had about a five-footer for birdie and I ended up making that 12-footer and he ended up missing. I made two 12-footers on the next two holes and I felt like I kept my momentum going well until the end, and I've just got to learn from the finish.

Q. At that point you leave the 14th green, you're 3-up, what's in your mind at that point?

CALEB SURRATT: You know, I was really just trying to keep playing my golf, not alter anything or change anything. The timing didn't help. I felt like I was really rushed and I just was kind of struggling to focus coming down the stretch, and I felt like that's why, but all in all, it was a great day, so I can't really complain.

Q. When you go through a match like this early and everyone says you have to win one of those matches where it could go either way in a run to a title, do you feel like this one can at least propel you to greater things this week?

CALEB SURRATT: I think so. I think that it was a pressure that I probably won't find through the rest of the week. I was really nervous on the whole back nine, and something I've got to work to overcome. But it definitely gives me momentum, but I know there's some things to work on, and I know a lot of great players probably still would have beat me today, so I need to go fix what I think I did wrong and get better from learning what the mistakes were.

Q. He also was in the same position as you in that he had a lead, he lost it, he had to come back; what was he doing well?

CALEB SURRATT: He just kept grinding. It felt like he didn't really let the timing situation bother him as much as it bothered me, and I felt like that's why he came back personally. I think my mind was in other places coming down the stretch and he was focused on coming back, and he ended up doing it.

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