U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Friday, July 23, 2021

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

The Country Club of North Carolina

Luke Potter

Quick Quotes

Q. Tell me about the 18th hole, that putt. Did you feel like you'd have to make it? How did it feel once you saw it go in?

LUKE POTTER: Yeah, we were both putting really well, so I figured I had to make it. All you've got to do is put a good stroke on it, and then it's out of your control, so I put a good roll on it and got the read right, so it went in. I was very happy about that.

Q. What did you feel was the turning point in the match? It kind of went back and forth early but then you hung on down the stretch.

LUKE POTTER: Yeah, I was making some clutch par putts towards the end of the front nine. I was hitting it really good the beginning of the back side. I kind of let a couple slip away on 14 and 15, but I kind of kept it together, made some good swings on 16 and 17. You know, he got a tough break on this first hole, but I kind of let him back in the match. It's something that should never happen.

Q. You're going to be back on this hole in about an hour. How do you feel going into that semifinal?

LUKE POTTER: I feel good. The more that match play goes on, the more about hitting fairways, hitting greens. He played a little bit safer, which is probably one of the reasons why he made it so far. It's fairways and greens, and I think I'll have the chance to kind of wear my opponent down.

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