U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

The Country Club of North Carolina

Cohen Trolio

Quick Quotes

Q. Just kind of talk about your whole week here. I know you're a little disappointed that you don't come out with the title, but what do you take from a week like this, especially coming off what you did here two years ago?

COHEN TROLIO: A lot of good things, obviously. I mean, I kind of got -- my ball-striking was extremely well throughout. Heck, I've played -- I don't even know how many rounds of golf I've played, and I've hit it damn straight for every single one of the holes. As far as that, it's all good. Putting is good, too. A couple didn't go my way, and that happens sometimes.

Q. Talk about that stretch of 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. He makes that great putt on 8, could have gone to 2-up for you, he ends up staying 1-down, and then he obviously makes a great up-and-down on 9 and then a couple hiccups on 10 and 11.

COHEN TROLIO: Yeah, I mean, he's a good player. Him making putts isn't weird. That's match play. That's how it goes, momentum swings and such. But yeah, it is what it is.

Q. You had a chance on 12, too, to --


Q. Yeah, that little four-footer. Was that a misread, mis-hit?

COHEN TROLIO: No, s--- happens sometimes. That's part of it.

Q. What do you think a week like this will do for you going into that major event in a couple weeks?

COHEN TROLIO: It's all good. Yeah, expectations are still the same. I mean, just play Cohen Trolio golf and see what I can make happen.

Q. You put on quite a short game display this week. Even the shot you hit here.

COHEN TROLIO: Absolutely.

Q. Is that a lot the work you've done with Tim?

COHEN TROLIO: Yeah, Timmy is an awesome instructor. So is my dad. Kind of just hitting shots, figuring out what to do.

Q. First Mississippi guy to get to the U.S. Junior Amateur finals has got to be pretty good.

COHEN TROLIO: Yeah, it's awesome.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110694-1-1002 2021-07-24 23:26:00 GMT

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