U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Daniel Island Club (Ralston Creek Course)

Tommy Morrison

Quick Quotes

Q. You just broke a streak, and the streak is that the last four top seeds lost in this round.

TOMMY MORRISON: Oh, no kidding.

Q. How do you feel about getting past that?

TOMMY MORRISON: I feel great. A win is a win. It was a tough match. I'm glad I closed it out the way I did on the back nine.

Q. There's a trend now just the last two matches where you picked it up on the inward nine.


Q. Is that something that you're conscious of?

TOMMY MORRISON: Yeah. Now that you say it, I realize that.

Don't ask me why, I'm not sure. Just got off to a slow start, and Chen hit some nice shots early on and he's a great player, and he was very steady and solid all day. He's tough to beat in match play. When it comes to closing out in the end, I'm not sure. I hope I keep that trait the rest of the week because that could serve me well.

Q. What did you hit in on that second shot?

TOMMY MORRISON: I hit 6-iron into 18.

Q. What was the yardage?


Q. You won the 11th with a birdie, the par-5?

TOMMY MORRISON: Yes, yes. I hit driver in the fairway, hit it in that greenside bunker again --

Q. Same club, 5-iron?

TOMMY MORRISON: Gosh no. I hit 3-wood today.

Q. It's changed that much?

TOMMY MORRISON: Yeah, the wind must have switched or something, but I hit two good shots in that greenside bunker and was fortunate to birdie to win the hole.

Q. How close?

TOMMY MORRISON: I had a four-footer for birdie.

Q. Then you won 12 and 16 with pars.

TOMMY MORRISON: Yes, a long par-3 on 12 but hit a nice shot to the front of the green and made par. 16 we both had about 40 and 30 feet and two putts was good enough there.

Q. You said you had to be more focused today; did you feel you were?

TOMMY MORRISON: Yeah. I'm pleased with the way I stuck in there, especially after being 2-down. It's not a spot you want to be in. I did a nice job of staying within myself and getting out of my own way. I look to keep that mindset this afternoon.

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