U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Friday, July 28, 2023

Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Daniel Island Club (Ralston Creek Course)

Joshua Bai

Quick Quotes

Q. Tell me about your comeback. You were down and you fought your way back the last couple of holes.

JOSHUA BAI: Yeah, down the whole round, but I just thought, same as the last two matches. Down early, and I just stayed patient. Did the same thing, kept hitting fairways, kept hitting greens, put the pressure on my opponent, and yeah, I just took the opportunities and managed to get it done.

Q. How did you birdie 17? Did you try to drive the green?

JOSHUA BAI: Yeah, I drove it just short of the green, hit an easy pitch shot, and then just a gimme.

Q. He conceded it?


Q. On this last hole, how far did you have, and what did you hit in there?

JOSHUA BAI: I had 89 meters. It was a perfect full lob wedge, and put it right on the top of the flag, and was enough to get it done.

Q. 15 feet or so? How long do you think that putt would have been?

JOSHUA BAI: 12 feet.

Q. Here we are, we're in the semis, we're getting closer to your goal. What's it feel like right now?

JOSHUA BAI: It's exciting. Pretty cool to have this opportunity, and just going to try to do my best.

Q. What do you think you did best coming down the stretch, especially keeping yourself in it mentally?

JOSHUA BAI: It was still my driving, I think, just putting the heat on.

Q. Mental-wise, how did you keep yourself in the match, even though you were down most of the way?

JOSHUA BAI: I just thought about how I managed to do it the last couple rounds, and if I just keep doing the same thing, keep staying patient, then it would work out.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
135430-1-1002 2023-07-28 15:33:00 GMT

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