U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA

Oakland Hills Country Club

Jay Leng

Quick Quotes

Q. Start with 14. What happened on 14, 15, 16?

JAY LENG: Yeah, going into 14 I was all tied but I knew I was playing good. Just putts weren't really dropping. So stayed patient.

Hit the fairway on 14; made a par.

Then 15 had like a 10-, 12-footer for birdie. Knew I had to make it; made that brought my confidence up a little bit.

Going into 16 I was 2-up. Hit it to like 20 feet and made it.

Q. Nice. On to the quarters. How you feeling about the play and advancing?

JAY LENG: I'm feeling good. My game feels really good. Just got to stay confident and just trust my game.

Q. You got a lot of experience in big events in match play. What do you like about match play and what with your game suits it?

JAY LENG: Yeah, I think maybe my consistency suits match play. I think it's a lot simpler because you're just playing against one guy and not -- I don't have to worry about anyone else.

Yeah, I like match play a lot.

Q. Looks like if Miles ends up winning you'll play him tomorrow. How played with him much?

JAY LENG: A little bit. I played with him -- we were teammates at the Junior Ryder Cup, so it will be really fun tomorrow. There will be a big crowd for sure.

Q. Have you seen some of the crowd out there with him?

JAY LENG: He's been in front of me both matches today. It's been pretty...

Q. So does some of the crowd linger and watch your group or has it kind of...

JAY LENG: A little bit. Not too many people, but I'm definitely excited to have a bigger crowd tomorrow.

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