U.S Junior Amateur Championship

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA

Oakland Hills Country Club

Miles Russell

Quick Quotes

Q. Grind of a day; 36 holes of match play. Talk us through the day, how you were hitting the ball in those two matches.

MILES RUSSELL: This morning was a great match. Billy is probably one of my best friends out here, so a little sad to unfortunately send him home. But he played great. It was a good match. He was right there all the way to 18.

Definitely hit it a little better this morning. This afternoon it was just another good match. Just I think I didn't quite play as well as I did this morning. Might have just been a little tired, a little unfocused.

But the last three holes kind of focused up again and hit a couple more quality golf shots; didn't hit them close but was able to make three pars.

Q. Exactly. You were a couple down early in this match this afternoon. How were you able to dig in and flip the script?

MILES RUSSELL: You know, I had a game plan. My game plan, just kind of stuck to it. Just I knew at some point I was going to hopefully win a hole, and I was able to win a couple there in a row.

Definitely some momentum builders. Try to do the same thing tomorrow.

Q. How often have you played 36? I know it's such a grind. Did you learn anything today?

MILES RUSSELL: I play 36 every once in a while at home. Probably a good bit. But you're not walking 36. That's the difference. To walk this place with all the hills, you don't get that in Florida.

Definitely learned some stuff today in that afternoon round. Hopefully take it into tomorrow.

Q. Obviously you've dealt with crowds, Korn Ferry and obviously played at Rocket Mortgage. What's it like having a big crowd walking the fairways with you? How unique is that?

MILES RUSSELL: I think it's probably one the coolest things in golf. Especially as a spectator, to be able to be right there ten yards behind me or to the side and kind of hear what me and Sonny are talking about, you're always like you're caddieing or playing in a way.

You're down there walking. That shot on 18, like I don't know how many people were behind me, but I would have loved to be behind myself watching it. I think it's probably the coolest thing in golf.

Q. You already qualified for the U.S. Am through AJGA?


Q. We'll skip that question. Your boy, Tyler, told me you're paired up for the Four-Ball next year. How cool would it be to go up against him tomorrow afternoon if you both get it done in the morning?

MILES RUSSELL: I don't know how cool it would be, but definitely be a fun match. Definitely be a good one.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
146827-1-1041 2024-07-25 22:11:00 GMT

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