U.S Senior Women's Open Championship

Friday, July 30, 2021

Fairfield, Connecticut, USA

Brooklawn Country Club

JoAnne Carter

Quick Quotes

Q. JoAnne, 82, that's two days in a row; shot your age. Is that's something your aiming for when you're out here?

JOANNE CARTER: No, I was trying to make the cut but I just -- you know I hit too many bad shots.

Q. If you're having this much fun you're not going anywhere, are you? You're going to keep playing in these as long as they'll have you and as long as you want to?

JOANNE CARTER: Well, I don't know. I don't know. It was really fun. I mean, I started too late to -- normally you come in here you're all ready.

But, you know, I was still hunting and pecking for some way to get it around there. Just, you know, I would hit a really good shot and then two holes later I would drop kick it. You know, so it was just very erratic for me.

Q. When you look back on the your USGA career, what sticks out to you?

JOANNE CARTER: Well, the USGA is always the toughest, even in the juniors. You know, the Opens, of course.

But you can't just hit every green and every fairway in an Open. You're always going to have to play out of rough and out of the sand and all that. So your whole game has to be in good shape.

That's what I love about it. Those boring girls down the middle don't win the Open usually.

Q. Are you going to stick around this weekend? Will we see more of you?

JOANNE CARTER: Yeah, probably. Yeah I'm not flying out until Sunday.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110923-1-1041 2021-07-31 00:30:00 GMT

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