Q. So Kris, great week.
Q. Top 10 finish. Tell me your thoughts overall on the week.
KRIS TSCHETTER: Well, I hoped to play better obviously. I was -- I really pointed towards this tournament and was trying to practice more and play and walk, and so I expected to play better.
But, you know, hadn't played well in a while so it feels good to at least have a Top 10.
Q. Great. Overall thoughts --
KRIS TSCHETTER: You can always want more but you got to enjoy the moment.
Q. Of course. Of course. Overall thoughts on Brooklawn as a venue.
KRIS TSCHETTER: Oh, man, it just played so many different ways with the wind and then the rain and it softened up and then the greens got fast again.
You know, I wish I could play it for another week or even more to really understand it. Like a lot of it was just guessing. You hit it in a place that you're going, Oh, shoot. I've never been here, I didn't practice, I have no idea what it's going to do.
Sometimes you look at it from both sides, like the one on 17. I looked at it from behind there and it looked like it was pretty flat, and then I looked at it from below the hole and looked like it was straight downhill.
You're like, Well, I don't want to be wrong because you can just look like an idiot, so...
Q. What's next for you?
KRIS TSCHETTER: I have the tournament in Minnesota next week. It's kind of nice to have another tournament to play in.
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