THE MODERATOR: Juli, we are here with Juli Inkster. How does it feel to be back at the Senior Women's Open.
JULI INKSTER: Oh, it feels great. The course is phenomenal. It's in great shape. It's going to be a good test. It's going to test all aspects of your game. It's going to be fun to play.
THE MODERATOR: You're coming in off a win. How does your game feel right now?
JULI INKSTER: It feels good. I'm hitting the ball very well. With me, it's all about my putting, so my putting feels a lot better. I don't know, four days is a lot of golf around here. Just going to have to really -- I know it's cliche, but just stay patient and just try to give yourself a lot of fairways and greens.
Q. What's your main thought on the putting? What's the key?
JULI INKSTER: My main thought on my putting is just try to roll the ball instead of hit the ball. Just kind of roll it and get it going.
Q. What do you remember about playing here in the '80s with the --
Q. You don't remember the locusts?
JULI INKSTER: I don't remember any of it.
Q. You blacked it all out?
JULI INKSTER: There's a lot of things I black out, and there's one of them. But I really don't remember much.
Q. I just wondered, seeing JoAnne Carner out here, what you think watching her now, and maybe when you were coming up as a young pro and she's already established, what you thought of her?
JULI INKSTER: Well, she was always one of my favorite to play with because she never laid up, she was always just letting it rip. She was amazing out of the trees. All of a sudden she'd be in the trees and all of a sudden this ball would be on the green. She had a great imagination, and she was fun. She was really fun to play with. Never took herself too seriously but really respected the game.
Q. Do you maybe have a best JoAnne story? Jane Geddes had us cracking up.
JULI INKSTER: Not really, just a lot of her really one-sentence sarcasm. You don't know if she's serious or not, but usually she's not. You know, she's just great for the game. She's a person that loves the game and plays it because she loves it.
Q. Who do you think this golf course favors?
JULI INKSTER: I think it favors good ball strikers and good putters. I mean, you've got to do it all. I mean, it'll be interesting how they set it up. They can set it up where it's fairly longish or they can set it up short where -- you've got to be really precise with your wedges, especially on the par-5s, because very undulated, very sloping, and if you hit it, a full shot, it can spin off the green. You've got to try to leave it where you have a chance at a birdie.
Q. What does it mean to come in off a win?
JULI INKSTER: Not much. It really doesn't. I mean, it's nice. Believe me, it's nice to win. But it's like, what have you done for me lately. Different golf course, different field, so yeah.
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