U.S Senior Women's Open Championship

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Fairfield, Connecticut, USA

Brooklawn Country Club

Tammie Green

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: 5-under, Tammy, great round of golf. What was working well.

TAMMIE GREEN: Well, thank you. A little bit of everything, actually. I played well, played solid from tee to green, only missed a couple fairways but was able to get them up-and-down when I needed to, and the putter was working today, as well.

Q. What have you learned about the course so far, practice rounds and today?

TAMMIE GREEN: It's a lot of defense out there. Just have to put the ball in the correct spots, and the center of the green is not bad. But sometimes it is, depending on if you're above the hole. The greens are lightning fast. I'll tell you, it's a great championship course, NCR is a great championship course.

Q. You have to be pleased, a bogey-free round in any U.S. Open is something to be proud of.

TAMMIE GREEN: Definitely, definitely. I was proud of the way I held it together. I did get a little tired on the back side. It's just a stamina thing, I guess, as you get older and some of the hills were getting me a little bit out of breath. I had to kind of stop, take it easy and go forward. But Kurt, my caddie, did a fantastic job. We stayed in the game, on the same page, and we got it done today.

Q. Can you give us a little bit of your Ohio history?

TAMMIE GREEN: My Ohio history? Well, I grew up in Somerset, Ohio, and I was maybe eight, and we grew up on -- our farm adjoined a nine-hole public course, Perry County Club, and actually Jerry McGee, who is Mike McGee's father, who's married to Annika, grew up on the same golf course. Real proud of that. We've got a lot of friends out here today following me, family, and so it feels like home.

Q. Had you been here before?

TAMMIE GREEN: I did, I played in '86. I don't remember how I played, so that might tell you something. I'm not sure. But yeah, I come down a couple weeks ago and played a practice round, and I knew it was going to be grueling from green to tee, just stamina-wise. It's all about the greens, putting the ball in the right spot, and not only that, you have to hit the fairways.

Q. Did you win anything of note in Ohio?

TAMMIE GREEN: Well, yeah. I won two tournaments in Youngstown, Ohio, when I was on Tour. Yeah, I did.

Q. How often do you get back to your hometown?

TAMMIE GREEN: Well, I was back there last week for a week, and after this tournament I'm going back. I still have a home there. But I also kind of am a snow bird going to Daytona Beach, going down to LPGA International.

Q. Do you teach?

TAMMIE GREEN: No, I don't teach. I just play with a men's group, the Parks group, and we play Stableford, and they just keep moving me back tees. But we have a lot of fun, and yeah, I love Ohio, my roots are here, and family, all family lives within maybe two miles. That's always nice.

Q. When you get off to a start like this, what does that do for you the rest of the week?

TAMMIE GREEN: Well, typically in a U.S. Open I haven't gotten off to the greatest starts and usually finish -- my fourth day is better than most of the first three days. Hopefully I'm going to continue that, not look back, and get the job done this week. That's been my goal. I finished second in '94 to Patty Sheehan, and that was a little bit bittersweet. Even at age 62, I'm still after that U.S. Open trophy.

Q. You obviously play a lot of golf now, but does it make you feel young again, to go out in those kind of conditions and shoot that kind of number?

TAMMIE GREEN: You know, definitely. I felt like the old Tammy out there today. Kind of a throwback because I was 13 years out of the game taking care of my late husband and mother, so to get back into it, and the U.S. Open is the reason I got back into it. I wanted to play in Chicago. My mother passed away early in '18, so to play all four of them, it's really a privilege, and I really appreciate what the USGA has done to have us back playing. It's very important for us.

Q. Do you ever hit any shots and get flashbacks of other shots earlier in your career that you've hit, or that feels familiar, I remember how to do that?

TAMMIE GREEN: Definitely, but I will tell you I've made the transition from steel shaft to graphite shaft, and that has not been an easy process. I've got a set of clubs now that I feel very comfortable with. I feel like I can attack, and that's made the difference in the last couple years.

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124041-1-1002 2022-08-25 17:01:00 GMT

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