U.S Senior Women's Open Championship

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Fairfield, Connecticut, USA

Brooklawn Country Club

Leta Lindley

Quick Quotes

Q. You and Annika were roommates?

LETA LINDLEY: Yeah, we came in together.

Q. I didn't realize you were roommates.

LETA LINDLEY: Yeah, for a semester, until she moved out and then I had the whole dorm to myself.

Q. Laura was ahead of you, right?

LETA LINDLEY: Laura was ahead. We figured it out. She was a fifth-year senior in '89, and then I came the fall of '90. We didn't even meet on recruiting trips, but I knew of her.

Q. 4-under 69, a great round of golf. What was working well?

LETA LINDLEY: Everything. I hit the ball solid today, just one or two squirrelly ones, and then when I was a little bit off I was able to get it up-and-down. I really putted well today, rolled the ball nicely, and just felt calm and relaxed and felt really good about my game today.

Q. Through the practice rounds and then today, what have you learned about the course so far?

LETA LINDLEY: I need to hit it straight, and I need to putt well, and I need to be really creative on the greens with my chipping and my putting. I think I made this one birdie putt, I must have played 10 feet of break on it. So you really have to pay attention in terms of where you leave your golf ball, so really trying to control your distances and your lines and manage that speed.

Q. Obviously a themed pairing here, a little Arizona. Talk about what it was like when you saw the pairing and what it was like out there.

LETA LINDLEY: First I looked and I said, what did I do to deserve this pairing, and then started to deduce that it was all Arizona Wildcats. So Annika and I came into Arizona as freshmen and Laura was just leaving as we came in but I knew of her. Coach always spoke so highly of her, so I was really thrilled to meet her as well as several other Wildcats here this week that came before me and paved the way. That was a really fun pairing, and Laura played great. It was a really nice group today.

Q. How much golf do you play on a regular basis?

LETA LINDLEY: Well, not as much as I used to, but I've been working hard. I knew this was a goal of mine. I knew I was going to be playing here, and starting in October I was training physically with a trainer, getting in with Ken McDonald over in Palm Beach Gardens to just get some strength back and work on strengthening my lower body.

And then having this in mind, I teach now, I teach golf, at Old Marsh Golf Club in Palm Beach Gardens. If nothing else, in between lessons I might get in a few reps, but really coming into this I tried to compete as much as I could because there's no replacement for competitive reps. Just getting under the gun, feeling the butterflies, trying to hit good putts under pressure. So I played in everything I could, including the Florida State Open, just to try and get in some reps.

Q. Does the makeup of your golf bag look any different than when you left the Tour?

LETA LINDLEY: No, same sort of setup in the sense of I still play six woods. Actually my husband caddies for me, Matt, and he came out a couple weeks ago to watch me putt, and he brought out my old putter, and he said, this is the putter you won with. I said, no, it's not. He goes, yes, it is. So I had to get out the picture to look to see what putter I won with in Corning, and I said, well, that's good; why did I change? He goes, I don't know.

So we put the putter back in, and I played with it the last two weeks and started rolling it better, so that putter has a lot of good karma and good vibes.

Q. What kind of putter is it?

LETA LINDLEY: It's an Odyssey putter.

Q. Vintage?

LETA LINDLEY: It's vintage Odyssey, Tri Force 1.

Q. I was curious about the importance of the growing Senior Women's Open. This is the fourth event, and what it means for women's golf and the tournament itself.

LETA LINDLEY: Well, I remember watching the first one and sitting there and seeing the interviews with JoAnne and Hollis and what it meant to them, and I got teary eyed. Even talking about it now, this just means so much. I never thought I'd be playing at this season of my career. I thought my golf clubs were going to be hung up, I was going to be bowling or doing something else. It was really teaching that brought me back to the game, and I just feel so honored to be here.

This is such a treat. I'm like, oh, I remember this, it feels so good to be walking the fairways this week.

Q. Competitive-wise, is it just like the old days? Does it feel -- even though they call it senior?

LETA LINDLEY: No, it's competitive. Look at the scores. Look who's up there. I've played with some of these ladies, and they haven't skipped a beat. I've got to work hard. I've got to golf my ball to keep up. Just to watch -- I don't remember the last time I played with Annika. I do know we were paired together on Saturday at my very first U.S. Women's Open at the Broadmoor and Matt reminded me of that, and here I am today -- I finished fifth, she won it. I'd like to see the flip-flop. (Laughter.)

Q. We're asking everybody for their favorite JoAnne Carner story, maybe the first time you met her?

LETA LINDLEY: Oh, gosh, I played with her at Wykagyl. I forget which par-3 it was. It was downhill, long, and I think she missed a tee ball and was kind of putzing it around and was kind of struggling at that hole, and she goes, I'm going to have to take my shoes and socks off to count that one.

But I do remember Jackie told me a story. She says, maybe two years ago, the last time JoAnne walked the Senior Open, and she says, my feet are hurting me, I'm tired, and I look across the fairway and I see JoAnne walking. She's like, I stood up taller, and I just started walking. If JoAnne can walk this golf course, I can walk this golf course. My goal is to get my picture taken with her. I've missed her, but she's amazing and all that she's done for women's golf, and I'm just thrilled that she's here this week.

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