Q. Leta Lindley, just sum up the week for us.
LETA LINDLEY: Amazing. Just amazing.
Q. Obviously a group that you're familiar with, playing with from a long time ago but now back. Did it kind of feel the same in some ways?
LETA LINDLEY: It did. Well, especially having Matt back on the bag. I felt like we picked up right where we left off and it was like putting on really your favorite comfy sweater. It just felt so natural to be back out here, and it just felt so good to walk the fairways on this championship golf course.
Q. People wait so long to turn 50 and play in this, but it's not like it's one and done. Will we be seeing a lot of you over the next few years?
LETA LINDLEY: Yes, I can remember JoAnne was 60 and she was still playing out on the LPGA Tour and I'm thinking, wow, 60. I don't know if I'm going to be playing golf at 60, but now that I'm here at 50, I think it's within the realm of possibility when I see all the amazing golf being played by my peers that are older than me, so for sure.
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