U.S Senior Women's Open Championship

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Portland, Oregon, USA

Waverley Country Club

Annika Sorenstam

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: We're going to welcome back our 2021 champion, Annika Sorenstam. How does it feel to be here this week?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: Oh, it's wonderful. It's nice to be here. I haven't been here before. I've been to Portland and Oregon several times, obviously playing the LPGA down the street a few times, but no, it's always nice to come back to a USGA championship. You guys do such a good job.

This tournament has a special place in our family's heart, so great to be back.

Q. What's your first experience with the golf course?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: I like it a lot. I guess some of it is what you would expect, tree-lined, a typical Portland kind of look.

But then I would say that the back nine is a little different because they removed some trees, so all of a sudden you've got the beautiful river there, a little bit more open.

Yesterday I played, it wasn't windy but I could see how the wind could pick up here and you get a little bit more of a -- not links feel but maybe a little bit the way the bunkers are positioned and the look and the feel.

Q. You played Pebble, and the setup was probably a little bit more forgiving but still a challenge. Talk about the experience at Pebble and then kind of what you're expecting out of this week.

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: Yeah, Pebble was super special for a lot of reasons, and for the women to be there in general is fantastic, to just elevate the game. Such an iconic place, and to be part of it was really cool. I wish I was part of it a little bit more, but we watched at home, the end, and it was quite the finish I would say.

Again, I think the USGA pick some good spots. They know how to highlight them and make them special.

Again, it's going to be another memorable week.

Q. Since you've come back, it's been a family affair for you, of course, so I know Mike will be here on the bag, and will we see the kids this week?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: Yeah, you will see them and you will hear them. They're coming Thursday night with Mike's mom Jill, so it'll be nice to have them here. They love the tournament atmosphere, I guess. Just growing up a golfing family, Mike's dad played and then Mike worked in golf tournaments and me playing, so they love the atmosphere. Will obviously loves to play, but he just loves the competition. And Ava, I think she's getting into that tournament feel. She just thinks it's a lot of fun, or maybe it's because they want to miss school, I'm not really sure which one, but I'm going to go with the first one, that they want to see me play.

Q. What sort of feedback do you think you'll get from Will on your game?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: It will be very honest, very honest feedback, which I appreciate. His new saying is "lit the candle", and he's like, are you going to lit the candle this week, mommy, meaning playing well, so that's all I have. Hopefully I can lit the candle for him.

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136090-1-1002 2023-08-23 19:14:00 GMT

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