U.S Senior Women's Open Championship

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Portland, Oregon, USA

Waverley Country Club

Leta Lindley

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: We're here with Leta Lindley from Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. You had a pretty consistent round, two birdies, two bogeys. The rest were pars. Could you walk me through how it all went for you today.

LETA LINDLEY: I did a lot of great things. I hit it pretty solid. Missed a couple shots. I would have to say overall I rolled it really well with my putter, and it saved me a few times with some off chips. Overall I'm pretty pleased with my round. Certainly looking forward to tomorrow and maybe tightening that up a little bit, but I'm off to a good start.

Q. How did you think the course was playing overall maybe compared to the practice rounds?

LETA LINDLEY: It was a little windier this morning, I thought, than the previous mornings when I had had my two practice rounds, so I was a little surprised about that, but the course is in magnificent shape and the greens are rolling true, so it's going to be -- it's a great championship.

Q. Did the wind coming into today affect your strategy at all as opposed to the way you might have prepared during the practice rounds?

LETA LINDLEY: No, middle of the green, middle of the fairway. Just give myself as many chances as I could but really still being pretty strategic about where I wanted to place my ball on the green, my approach shots. The greens are super tricky here, so you're going to leave yourself in a good place regardless sometimes of where the pin is on certain holes.

Q. You were runner-up last year; do you think any of that experience came into play today?

LETA LINDLEY: Well, I certainly know that I can play well in a USGA championship, so there's some confidence coming in from last year, and I've been working hard all summer to prepare for this, so overall feeling really good about the opportunity this week.

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